Inspire Focus is a project developed by SIMPLE NORFOLK CIO 1175056. Inspire Focus aims to inspire young people to focus on their life objectives. Over the years, we have collected a great amount of data relating on good practice when working with young people. This Information allowed us to develop a framework to breakdown any daunting goal into more achievable steps. Inspire Focus also supports young people around non academic or professional goals. These goals are just as important steps as they are structural pillars for a happy and healthy young person.
The 15 issues we listed bellow are only a portion of the topics we explore. Each young person is different from the other, so we focus on the needs of individuals rather than "one solution fits all".
Lack of employment opportunities
Parental Pressure
Failure to succeed in education system
Issues related to body image
Family problems
Substance misuse
Pressures of materialism
Mental Health
Lack of affordable housing
Negative stereotyping
Pressures of 24-hour social networking
To be able to cover all these topics and support each young person with the attention and professionalism they deserve, we have teamed up with specific solution based professionals and institutions, insuring the best outcome possible.
If you feel that we can offer you any level of support, feel free to get in touch with us, and we will do our absolute best to help you on your journey.