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About us

S.I.M.P.L.E.-Support, Integration and Motivation, Promoting Leisure and Education, is a community voluntary organization based in Norfolk, England.
SIMPLE was founded in 2007, as a result of a group of friends identifying the need for a range of charitable services that would benefit the lives of a large number of people, whilst promoting community integration and cohesion.
SIMPLE is dedicated to bringing together members of established and emerging community groups, enabling them to work together for a common goal which is the benefit of the community in general.
SIMPLE has carried many different initiatives throughout the years in a variety of areas, with the moist prominent being: social work (supporting youths, adults and family units), legal and leisure, both in culture and sports.
Nowadays, SIMPLE continues to promote such initiatives but has adapted and has been gradually shaped to keep up with its community has it evolves and it’s needs change.
Social community work and educational projects, such as Inspire Focus, are currently some of the projects that are most relevant to our community in which SIMPLE’s team has put much dedication in launching and perfecting, in order to produce real change in its fellow citizens lives.
SIMPLE is for everyone. Free from stereotypes, and with hard anti-discrimination policies, it has equality, cohesion and promoting general well-being as its core values.
SIMPLE on its own would not exist if not for those it supports, and the many different agencies it cooperates with and gradually building positives partnerships with.
SIMPLE is from all of us to all of you with a sincere thank you!

“Do unto others as you would have them do unto you!”

With care,

Simple’s Team

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